All games in the NEFL are played under NCAA Rules with the exceptions as listed within the modified rules list. In the event that a Head Coach wishes to challenge the enforcement of a specific modified rule on this list, the procedure is outlined in Rule 29 – CHALLENGE FLAG – as quoted below.

“In the event a head coach wishes to challenge the enforcement of a modified rule, the following apply:

Each coach must have a red challenge flag/beanbag on his person. Team will have 1 challenge per half. Should the coach wish to challenge enforcement of a modified rule, he throws the flag near the sideline official before the next snap. The official upon seeing the flag will immediately stop play and notify the referee that a rule has been challenged. Referee will then discuss the challenge with the head coach.

– Should the challenge be upheld, the correct ruling will be enforced. Game will then proceed at the point of interruption. Coach will retain his challenge.

– Should the challenge be turned down, the head coach will be charged with a time out and have no remaining challenges for that half. No remaining challenges for that half.”